
周兴  副教授





邮      箱:/diszhou@126.com &diszhou@cqut.edu.cn/














主要致力于多学科融合技术为基础的创新治疗体系研发,细胞衍生物生物活性发现与再生医学应用方向,中国药理学会抗炎免疫委员会委员、中国医药教育协会中医药慢病防治工程委员会常务委员、Vebleo Fellow、重庆药学会中药与天然药专委会常务委员、重庆市中医“肾”藏象理论诊疗实践多学科交叉创新团队后备带头人、重庆理工大学学报青年编委、重庆市理工大学青年英才获得者,曾获全国药学类青年教师能力大赛一等奖,全国药学类青年教师微课大赛特等奖。近年来在ACS nano(2篇)、Journal of Controlled Release、Nano letters等以第一/通讯发表SCI论文25篇,累计影响因子超过200分(其中IF>10分8篇,中科院1区期刊14篇),主持国家自然基金、国家重点研发子课题、重庆市生物医药重点研发及横向项目17项,累计经费1000余万元,以第一发明人申请发明专利22项(已授权8项),主研上市护肤品1款、1类医疗器械1款、功能食品1款、科研试剂盒13款,在研1类新药和2类新药各1款。


1. Chengyi Hu, Ling Long, Jie Lou, Mingjing Leng, Qingqing Yang, Xiang Xu,Xing Zhou*,CTC-neutrophil interaction: A key driver and therapeutic target of cancer metastasis,Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy,2024(180), 117474. (IF=6.9, 中科院小类1区,top期刊)

2. Qing Zhang#, Chengyi Hu#, Jinwei Feng#, Hongyan Long, Ying Wang, Pan Wang, Chenglu Hu, Yuqin Yue, Chengyuan Zhang, Zhirui Liu*,Xing Zhou*. Anti-Inflammatory Mechanisms of Neutrophil Membrane-Coated Nanoparticles without Drug Loading. Journal of Controlled release.2024, (IF=10.8,中科院1区,top期刊).

3. Weiya Zeng#, Ying Wang#, Qing Zhang#, Chengyi Hu, Jing Li, Jinwei Feng, Chenglu Hu, Yong Su, Jie Lou, Ling Long*,Xing Zhou*.Neutrophil Nanodecoys Inhibit Tumor Metastasis by Blocking the Interaction between Tumor Cells and Neutrophils. ACS nano. 2024, 18, 10, 7363–7378. (IF=17.1,中科院1区,top期刊)

4. Xinyue Zhong#, Jiahua Huang#, Jing Zhao#, Lisha Li,Fengze Miao, Tingrui Zhang, Zhongjian Chen,Xing Zhou*, Zongguang Tai*, Quangang Zhu*. Exosome-mimetic vesicles derived from fibroblast carrying matrine for wound healing. Burns&Trauma. 2024(12), 2024, tkae015. (IF=5.3, 中科院1区)

5. Yingxin Xiong1,?,Zhirui Liu,?,Yuanqiang Wang,Jiawei Wang ,Xing Zhou* Xiaohui Li *,Development and Evaluation of a Water-Free In Situ Depot Gel Formulation for Long-Acting and Stable Delivery of Peptide Drug ACTY116. Pharmaceutics. 2024; 16(5):620. (IF=5.4,中科院2区)

6. Xiong, Yingxin, Jiawei Wang,Xing Zhou*, and Xiaohui Li*. The Development of a Stable Peptide-Loaded Long-Acting Injection Formulation through a Comprehensive Understanding of Peptide Degradation Mechanisms: A QbD-Based Approach. Pharmaceutics.2024. 16(2):266.(IF=5.4,中科院2区)

7. Yuchuan. Yuan, Jiaxing. Liu, Hongli. Duan, Chengyuan. Zhang, Wenxing.Wu, Qin. Qin, Jie. Lou, Qing. Zhang, Qin. Wang, Xiaohui. Li,Xing.Zhou*. An anticoagulant/procoagulant self-converting and bleeding site targeting systemic nanotherapy for rapid controlling of non-compressible bleeding without risk of thrombosis. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2023, 21(6): 1478-1492. (IF=10.4,中科院2区,top期刊).

8. Yang J, Wang P, Jiang X, Xu J, Zhang M, Liu F, Lin Y, Tao J, He J,Zhou Xing*, Zhang M. A Nanotherapy of Octanoic Acid Ameliorates Cardiac Arrest/Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation-Induced Brain Injury via RVG29- and Neutrophil Membrane-Mediated Injury Relay Targeting. ACS Nano. 2023 Feb 28;17(4):3528-3548. (IF=17.1,中科院1区,top期刊)

9. Lou, Jie, Hongli Duan, Qin Qin, Zhipeng Teng, Fengxu Gan, Xiaofang Zhou, andXing Zhou*. 2023. "Advances in Oral Drug Delivery Systems: Challenges and Opportunities" Pharmaceutics 2023, 15 (2): 484 (IF=5.4,中科院2区).

10. Hu, Chenglu,Liu, Qingping,Hu, Chengyi,Wang, Ying,Wang, Pan,Zhou, Xing*. PLK4 Is a Potential Biomarker for Abnormal Tumor Proliferation, Immune Infiltration, and Prognosis in ccRCC. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2022: 6302234. (IF2021= 2.809)

11. Li, Jing, Hongli Duan, Yan Liu, Lu Wang*, andXing Zhou*. Biomaterial-Based Therapeutic Strategies for Obesity and Its Comorbidities. Pharmaceutics 2022, 14(7): 1445. (IF=5.4,中科院2区)

12. Zhibin Liu, Yao Liu, Mingming Liu, Qingjia Gong, Anjie Shi, Xiuhong Li, Xu Bai, Xiaoyue Guan, Bing Hao, Feila Liu,Xing Zhou*and Hongfeng Yuan, PD-L1 Inhibits T Cell-Induced Cytokines and Hyaluronan Expression via the CD40-CD40L Pathway in Orbital Fibroblasts from Patients with Thyroid Associated Ophthalmopathy. Front Immunol. 2022; 13:849480. (IF=7.3,中科院2区)

13. Zhang Chengyuan, Zhou Xuemei, Zhang Hanyi, Han Xuanliang, Li Baijun, Yang Ran andZhou Xing*, Recent Progress of Novel Nanotechnology Challenging the Multidrug Resistance of Cancer. Front. Pharmacol. 2022,13:776895. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.776895. (IF=5.6,中科院2区)

14. Shi, Anjie, Ling Long, Zhibin Liu, Yao Liu, Qingjia Gong, Chengyuan Zhang, Hongfeng Yuan*, andXing Zhou*, Construction of a Novel Doxorubicin Nanomedicine Using Bindarit as a Carrier: A Multiscale Computer Simulation-Assisted Design-Based Study. Journal of Nanomaterials 2021 (2021/10/27 2021): 1835639. (IF2021=3.791)

15. Yuchuan Yuan, Ling Long, Yongyao Lin, Yue Tang, Xuemei Zhou, Shuhui Li, Chengyuan Zhang*, Xiaohui Li*,Xing Zhou*, The Double-Edged Sword Effect of Macrophage Targeting Delivery System in Different Macrophage Subsets Related Diseases, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2020 18, 168 (2020). (IF=10.2,中科院1区,TOP期刊)

16. Chunmei Xu, Luqi Yin, Zhipeng Teng, Xuemei Zhou, Wenjie Li, Qiong Lai, Cuiping Peng, Chengyuan Zhang, Jie Lou*,Xing Zhou*, Prevention of obesity related diseases through laminarin-induced targeted delivery of bindarit. Theranostics 2020; 10(21):9544-9560. (IF=12.4,中科院1区,TOP期刊)

17. L. Yin, C. Peng, Y. Tang, Y. Yuan, J. Liu, T. Xiang, F. Liu,Z. Xing* and X. Li*, A biomimetic orally targeted delivery of bindarit for immunotherapy of atherosclerosis. Biomaterials Science, 2020;8, 3640-3648 (IF=6.6,中科院2区)

18. Che Ling; Liu Zhirui; Wang Dong; Xu Chunmei; Zhang Chengyuan; Meng Jin; Zheng Jun; Yuan Hongfeng;Zhao Guanren*;Zhou Xing*. Computer-assisted engineering of programmed drug releasing multilayer nanomedicine via indomethacin-mediated ternary complex for therapy against a multidrug resistant tumor. Acta Biomaterialia. 2019;97:461-473(IF=9.9,中科院1区,TOP期刊)

19. Xing Zhou#, Kaijian Ling#, Mengyu Liu#, Xiangjun Zhang, Jun Ding, Yan Dong, Zhiqing Liang , Jianjun Li , Jianxiang Zhang.  Targeted Delivery of Cisplatin-Derived Nanoprecursors via a Biomimetic Yeast Microcapsule for Tumor Therapy by the Oral Route. Theranostics 2019; 9(22):6568-6586. (IF=12.4,中科院1区,TOP期刊)

20. Chengyuan Zhang, Ling Long, Yao Xiong, Chenping Wang, Cuiping Peng, Yuchuan Yuan, Zhirui Liu, Yongyao Lin, Yi Jia,Xing Zhou*, Xiaohui Li*,  Facile Engineering Indomethacin Induced Paclitaxel Nanocrystal Aggregates as Carrier-Free Nanomedicine with Improved Synergetic Antitumor Activity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019.2.15, 11(10): 9872~9883.(IF=9.5,中科院1区(2019年),TOP期刊,Cover Article,封面文章)

21. Xing Zhou, et al. Yeast Microcapsule-Mediated Targeted Delivery of Diverse Nanoparticles for Imaging and Therapy via the Oral Route[J]. Nano Letters, 2017, 17(2):1056.(IF=10.8,中科院1区,TOP期刊)

22. Guanren, Zhao…… Xing Zhou*; Sun Lijun*; Che Ling*, Smart pH-sensitive nanoassemblies with cleavable PEGylation for tumor targeted drug delivery[J], Scientific Reports, 2017.6.13, 7: 0~3383 (IF=4.6,中科院2区)

23. Xing Zhou, et al. Self-Assembly of pH-Responsive Microspheres for Intestinal Delivery of Diverse Lipophilic Therapeutics[J]. Biomacromolecules. 2016,17(8):2540-54(IF=6.2,中科院1区,TOP期刊)

24. Xing Zhou, Songling Han, et al. A facile route to diverse assemblies by host-guest recognition[J], Polymer Chemistry, 2015, 6(19): 3716-3727 (IF=4.6,中科院2区)

25. Xing Zhou, Ling Che, et al. Facile route to versatile nanoplatforms for drug delivery by one-pot self-assembly[J], Acta Biomaterialia,2014,10(6):2630-2642 (IF=9.9,中科院1区,TOP期刊)

26. Xing Zhou, Xiaodong Li, et al. Facile engineering of nano- and microparticles via self-assembly of homopolymers[J], Soft Matter,2011,7(13):6264-6272(IF=3.4,中科院1区(2011年)

27. 周兴,李雪梅,李晓辉.以线粒体为靶点治疗肝损伤的研究进展[J].重庆理工大学学报(自然科学),2021,35(9):184-193.

28. 周兴,王英,张清,等.中性粒细胞在肿瘤进展及治疗中的作用[J].重庆理工大学学报(自然科学),2021,35(9):194-203.

29. 张晗奕, 彭翠平, 袁玉川, 张清, 刘燕,周兴*. 不同组织来源线粒体提取效率和质量的差异研究. 重庆理工大学学报:自然科学, 2022,36(9), 8.

30. 周兴,et al.前沿实验课程在综合型药学人才培养中的初探,中国医药导报[J] 2017,14(10)

31. 邓有才,李晓辉,林永耀,李瑾,周兴#.案例教学法在药学专业学位研究生教学中的应用,中国医药导报[J] 2017,14(13)


(1) 国家自然科学基金,81601592,基于酵母微囊构建仿生型口服肿瘤靶向递送系统及其靶向机制研究、2017-01-01 - 2019-12-01、17万元、结题、主持

(2) 国家自然科学基金,82460703,基于OATP1B3构建无肿瘤耐药/转移风险的新型谷胱甘肽肝细胞靶向前药及其防治化疗性肝损伤的应用研究、2025-01-01-2028-12-01、32万元、在研、主持

(3) 国家重点研发重大专项,2018YFC1313400,靶向恶性实体肿瘤免疫细胞治疗新技术的研发及其临床转化路径的规范化建立、2018.06-2021.12、1513万,结题,子任务负责人(独立主持经费30万元)

(4) 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,cstc2019jcyj-msxmX060,单核细胞分化响应的新型单核细胞载药系统的构建及其抗肿瘤应用、2019-07-01至2022-06-30,10万,结题,主持

(5) 重庆市教委科学技术研究计划,KJQN-201901138,基于肿瘤弱酸微环境响应释药的单核细胞肿瘤靶向递药系统的构建与评价、2019-10-01至2022-09-30,4万,结题,主持

(6) 重庆市教委中小学创新人才培养工程项目,CY210907,单核细胞载药工程化的设计与构建、2021-06-30至2022-06-30,1.8万,结题,主持

(7) 中国博士后基金,第70批面上项目,2021M700625,靶向巨噬细胞的梓醇口服新制剂研究及其缓解肾纤维化的作用机制初探,8万,结题,主持

(8) 重庆市科卫联合项目, 2022MSXM154, 地黄效应成分梓醇的肾靶向口服递送系统开发, 2022-01 至 2024-12, 10万元, 在研, 主持

(9) 重庆福美干细胞企业横向课题,2021Q461,含活性因子纳米制剂的开发, 100万,在研,主持

(10) 重庆宏冠医疗企业横向课题,2022Q543,可吸收明胶海绵的开发, 22万,结题,主持


1) Xing Zhou, Xuemei Li, Hanyi Zhang, Qing Zhang. Engineered Mitochondria and preparation method thereof. 2023-10-20, USA, 18/490773.

2) 周兴,周子栖,汪故春,滕宥琛,娄杰;一种医用雾化器,2023 - 07 -10,中国,202321802441.4(授权)

3) 周兴、沈燕、林治华、李雪梅、张晗奕、张清;工程化线粒体及其制备方法,2022-04-15,PCT专利,WO2022228223A1(授权)

4) 周兴、娄杰、甘峰旭、刘燕、邵文陶;一种具有优良冻干再分散性的壳聚糖纳米粒、冻干制剂及其制备方法和应用,2022-01-05,CN 2022100092489(授权)

5) 周兴 李雪梅张晗奕张清;工程化线粒体及其制备方法,2023.08.11,中国,CN113122497B(授权)

6) 周兴 李晓辉刘嘉兴袁玉川;一种低血栓风险的多功能止血纳米粒、制备方法及其应用, 2023.05.06,中国. CN112245406B(授权)

7) 周兴; 徐春媚; 娄杰; 张成元; 一种用于治疗脂质代谢性疾病的炎症靶向的宾达利纳米粒、制备方法及其应用, 2023.05.02, 中国, CN111358955B(授权)

8) 周兴; 龙玲; 张成元; 袁玉川; 一种阿霉素无载体纳米药物的制备及其应用, 2021.08.27, 中国, CN109875964B(授权)

9) 周兴; 李晓辉; 林永耀; 王晨平; 纳米晶聚集体及其制备方法, 2020.12.08, 中国, CN108126205B(授权).


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